Discover our new digital indicator S_Dial Work CBG Smart for cylinder bore gauge measurement and our new S_Dial Mini range with a new design,
more performance and connected.

For increased simplicity of use and more performance in 2-point cylinder bore gauge measurement,Sylvac,experts in connected metrology,launches its new S_Dial WORK CBG
Your advantages :
- Preset in the ring gauge by pressing the new button «PRESET MASTER» on the top right.
- Bore gauge value (minimum diameter) is automatically displayed when the reversal point is reached.
- Data transmission easy and safe thanks to Bluetooth® or cable connection.
- Data management (monitoring, saving, export) thanks to our Sylcom and Vmux software.
- Display of tolerances.
- 4 Preset memories.
- Simplicity and Efficiency.
- The same CGB dial gauge can be used with different bore gauges.

Sylvac mini dial gauges range gets a face-lift for more performance and increased ease of use in the «IoT ready» world, all
this in a reduced dial diameter of only 45mm.
The main improvements are :
- New design and larger display for better reading
- «Smart» version with wireless Bluetooth® technology (with 3 profiles Simple, Paired or HID)
- Analog scale on «Smart» models
- Standard execution IP54 and Protected execution IP67
- Range of 12.5mm for the whole range for easier selection.
- Improved and stronger construction